;` Always in my heart `;

I don’t even know how I can put this session into words…..
Stunning, beautiful, loving, heartfelt, I could go on and on…
Kim and Darrin are a photographer’s match made in heaven! haha! They compliment each other so well, and not just in photographs. They are so much in love that you can feel it when you are around them. And I am sure you will feel it through your monitors as well. 
Kim is moving all the way to California TOMORROW to model out there. I met her through her modeling for me…. now she’s going big time. 🙂 Thank you so much for helping me out and always seeing my vision. I wish you the best of luck out there! (you better keep in touch)
Darrin, is an amazing musician. Just from what he was playing while we were walking through the woods made me stop in my tracks. (You, sir, better hold up on your promise and let me know when and where you are playing next!) 
And last but certainly not least,  little Carly…….. Hollywood better watch out because she is following in her beautiful mama’s footsteps! 
I don’t think I have ever smiled so much while editing a session…. and you are about to see why:

If you are interested in setting up a shoot please feel free to check out my page or shoot me an email

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