I had the pleasure of meeting the beautiful little miss Aria and her parents this week!
I had the pleasure of meeting the beautiful little miss Aria and her parents this week!
meet baby owen! [Best_Wordpress_Gallery gallery_type=”thumbnails” theme_id=”1″ gallery_id=”7″ sort_by=”order” image_column_number=”5″ images_per_page=”30″ image_enable_page=”1″ thumb_width=”180″ thumb_height=”90″ popup_width=”800″ popup_height=”500″ popup_effect=”fade” popup_interval=”5″ popup_enable_filmstrip=”1″ popup_filmstrip_height=”50″ popup_enable_ctrl_btn=”1″ popup_enable_fullscreen=”1″ popup_enable_comment=”1″ popup_enable_facebook=”1″ popup_enable_twitter=”1″ popup_enable_google=”1″ watermark_type=”none” watermark_link=”http://web-dorado.com”]
This past weekend, I stepped out of my comfort zone and shot something completely different. A guy. Thankfully I have some pretty great friends who willing offer themselves to be my test subjects! This was so fun! Different. And expressive. Soooo…. guys, if you’re looking for some sweet pictures of yourself 😉 If you’re […]
As you all know, I opened my first studio last month!! Now I know the word “studio” can be a bit scary. So, I wanted to take a moment and explain all of your what a natural light studio is. First of all, it is NOTHING like JC Penny, Wal-Mart or any of those other […]