// Pushing the limits \\

The title of this post, isn’t just about this shoot.
It’s about pushing the limits of my creativity and technique. 
I have been wanting to get away from equipment “crutches” (ie. external flash).
So just incase mine ever died or it was maybe forgotten I would know how to set my camera to still capture the best picture possible. Instead of just guessing. 
This shoot started at 730pm and went until about 830pm. 
For fellow photographers, you all know “golden hour” is gone at that time. 
Especially since it’s getting darker earlier now. 
So, I took the opportunity to push my camera to it’s limits. 
I used no flash at all. 
Scary at first. 
But knowing I could “get it right in the camera” was totally worth it.

The following were taken in almost complete darkness.
Camera: Nikon D600 Lens: 35mm 1.8
Setting: 35mm f/1.8 ISO: 5000 1/60 sec (exposure in LR4 +0.50)

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My model was amazing!! Thanks Sara for helping me out. 

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