While it should come as no surprise that most of the spring, summer, and even now some fall 2020 wedding dates are being rescheduled. You might be surprised to know many are choosing to move their wedding date to 2021 instead of later in 2020.

What does that mean? It means that if you were planning for a 2021 wedding date. In one of the “prime months” (June-October) and a prime day (a Saturday) you might want to heavily consider booking your vendors sooner rather than later. Our dates are going to be flying off our schedules, and most already have, due to reschedules.

I know things are tough out there for many of us. But, ask your vendors if they would consider a smaller retainer or for it to be broken up into payments so you are able to secure them for your wedding day. I know that I am currently offering my retainer at 50% of the usual rate for new 2021 dates.

I feel bad that it’s almost like survival of the fittest out there right now as far as wedding dates for next year and the availability.
And I don’t write this post to make you panic. I just wanted to make you aware of a situation that is very real and happening. Because many may not even think about it.

If you are wanting to book a pretty rad photographer for your 2021 date?
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