No words have ever been truer. I’ve never been “cool” I’ve never “fit in” I was always the weird kid who wore all black and had funky colored hair…. Wait…. not much has changed has it?! In my industry we all are surrounded by white, light, sparkly, butterfly kisses on your forehead, type things. Which […]

This little girl…. Changed our lives and filled holes we didn’t know existed. Never would I have ever thought I would have 3 children.. Or 3 daughters. Nor did I ever think I would have a baby that was “sick” until I did… Which may sounds strange, but its true.. You never think it will […]

What was supposed to be a winter wedding- turned into a rainy day with zero snow. However, all of my fabulous vendors and couple made the best of it! John and Stephanie eloped on NYE. And now, I was lucky enough to document some pictures for them! Also, check out my INCREDIBLE vendors who all […]

Its not very often up here in the great white north that we get winter weddings…. But when they happen, they are more than magical! This NYE wedding blew all expectations out of the water! From letters to the bride from the groom throughout the day, to an emotional first look, a private first dance sung […]