Pregnant couple laughing in the Eastern Market in Detroit, MI with the adopted dog

Celebrating love and new babies is always so much fun!! I am SO happy that mother-nature gave us some beautiful sunny weather instead of the nasty weather we have been having. We got to enjoy the city and explore one of my favorite destinations in the heart of Detroit! The Murals in the Market is […]

Little girl and her mom playing in the Eastern Market by the Zebra Rainbow Wall Mural

This little girl, made me an Aunt for the very first time. She is the sweetest, funniest, goofiest little girls EVER. I had never loved another child more than my own until I held her in my arms for the first time. (Now I share that love equally with my other 3 nieces and nephew) […],MI-photographer-Fine-Art-Photography

“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful- that will be my life” ~Elise de Wolfe Body Chain Crystal crown


Beth and Jay pulled a fast one and eloped this past week!!! The officiant read a special passage for their ceremony… and since it was so different than what is normally read- it really stuck out to me. An Apache Wedding Blessing: Now you will feel no storms, for each of you will be shelter […]