This has to be one of my favorite weddings and venues to date!! Anything about Detroit- I LOVE and ADORE…. Especially when it’s something as unique as The Whiskey Factory. (Can I have a do-over wedding?! Is that a thing?) Chelsea and Dave’s wedding was simply stunning. Nothing over the top and more than beautiful […]

I know I’ve said it before and I will say it again.. my job has me meet the coolest people!! and also manages to bring people back into my life. I grew up with Abbi and her sisters… I used to babysit them all. (Yes, I am currently feeling old AF….. thanks.) Abbi and Marisol […]

    Its been a minute. Buttttt, I’ve been a little busy with just having my 4th baby and it being wedding season and all. However, I wanted to take a second and say “HI”. That way you or anyone at your wedding will know who I am and who they are working with!! Plus, […]

Its been almost a month since our little Freyja made her long and over due arrival. I’ll be perfectly honest with you- I am SO glad I am not ever going to be pregnant again!! Not that I am not grateful for the ability to conceive and have children… my pregnancies are just hard and […]